Thursday, July 29, 2010


Women spend money for the things

those don't exist as forms of object.

Sunday, July 4, 2010


Be careful of dark and sad things.

Inside it, there are bad things.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Exit Through the Gift Shop

Once upon a time, in Los Angeles, French-born clothing-store proprietor Thierry Guetta picked up a video camera and began shooting everything and everyone around him. He pestered family members. He pestered celebrities, who couldn’t distinguish Guetta from a common paparazzo. Then one day, while visiting family in France, Guetta discovered that one of his cousins was the legendary street artist Space Invader, who was then gaining fame for the tiled mosaics he’d been installing surreptitiously in public spaces around Europe. Guetta, as was his wont, began videotaping Space Invader, and soon other graffiti artists, including Shepard Fairey and the mysterious British legend Banksy. Guetta claimed he was collecting all this footage for a documentary, but as the years rolled by, no documentary appeared, and Guetta’s friends began to wonder if he was more madman than filmmaker. Then again, what artist isn’t a little crazy?
Exit Through The Gift Shop is the result of Banksy’s attempts to wrestle with Guetta’s massive library of videotapes, and to make the documentary that Guetta couldn’t. The movie contains a lot of amazing footage of artists at work, and of their finished installations, most of which were removed or wiped away days later. Just as a permanent record of a remarkable artistic movement, Exit Through The Gift Shop is valuable. But there’s more going on here. In telling the story of Guetta’s obsessive behavior, Banksy delivers a surprisingly wry, analytical essay-film that starts out being about the DIY impulse, then becomes about what makes an artist great, and not a well-meaning wannabe. Exit features plenty of twists and turns—many involving the clandestine, lawbreaking art projects themselves—and it’s probably better if viewers don’t know the whole arc of the story going in. Suffice to say that Banksy’s movie grapples with the responsibility he feels for inspiring people like Guetta, and also grapples with the question of whether the enduring value of a piece of art derives from the image it captures, or the person who captures it. Exit Through The Gift Shop is a documentary that doubles as a comic thriller, and it’s as entertaining as it is thought-provoking.


Shannyn Sossamon


the Peter Pan Formula

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Let it be..

When it rains.
We get wet.
It will pass.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Bostonian shirts


Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

I have difficulties here.
But, it doesn't really matter now.
Because, I've been to the mountaintop.
I don't care.

In Memory of TTonggo

Friday, June 25, 2010

시인 박재삼..그가 말했다..

해와 달까지의 거리 말인가?
그냥 그..아득하면 되리라..





Wednesday, February 17, 2010


These images are better without text.
I am giving too much information about sadness of war.
The soldiers' images already give viewers war images.
And exploded car and lonely girl images as backgrounds add
dangerous and sad atmosphere to it.
It gives overwhelming sadness with the war poems.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Final image #2

This soldier is running toward the war zone where someone has to die.

Final image #1

This image has an image of a girl with a doll as background.
And a soldier is coming toward viewers from the girl with a doll.
This represents that he is going away from where he originally belongs.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

testshot #2

Test shot for the first project
influenced by David Levinthal

testshot #1

test shot for the first project

influenced by David Levinthal


Models and Backdrops

Sunday, January 31, 2010

James Abbott McNeill Whistler

James Abbott McNeill Whistler (July 11, 1834 – July 17, 1903) was an American-born, British artist.
Whistler produced numerous etchings, lithographs, and dry-points.


Banksy is a British graffiti artist.
His artworks are often satirical pieces of art on topics such as politics, culture, and ethics.

Robert & Shana Parkeharrison

Making rain

Robert ParkeHarrison as an “Everyday Man” performing various tasks in symbolic attempts to save our polluted planet. Regarding their works Robert has said, “My photographs tell stories of loss, human struggle, and personal exploration within landscapes scarred by technology and over-use….strive to metaphorically and poetically link laborious actions, idiosyncratic rituals and strangely crude machines into tales about our modern experience.”

Monday, January 25, 2010

Past Work..

Title: This is How We live..(Series)

We are living in the society that has many social issues.
We are also living as the social issues.
This is how he a drug addict.

Past Work..

Title: I Don't know Who You are..(Series)

Everyone has different characters, habits, and ideas.
Sometimes, they hide it behind their faces.
They come out to public with different faces.
I don't know who they are.

Past Work..

Title: Stories of Their Scars..(Photo Sculpture Series)

The scar is a mark of his past.
The past stays in him as a memory.
He is a story teller.
This is his TV show.

Past Work..

Title: Poetic Portrait..(Brown Print Series)

She gave off her mood, and I captured the moment.
At this moment, she became a poem.

The First day..

Create PrintMaking Blog..